
Showing posts from February, 2012


DATA FEEDING n REFER JOBs (DFR) Apart from Learner's Program, all other Skill Levels has two Sessions to Boost your Income: 1. Jobs Session 2. Refer Session Both sessions gives the members different dimensions to work and earn. LEARNER’S PROGRAM Intro The learner program is specifically designed for those who, before starting the job professionally, want to learn, grasp and fluent in the designated work. Package Cost 17.54$ Assignments In learner program, members will submit  2 Assignments  within 10 days of subscription. Each assignment consists of 500 data feeding fields. Earnings Each assignment will pay you  5$. Expiry/Upgradation Learner account automatically expires in 10 days of subscription, a member must upgrade his/her account to continue work for earnings. If a member upgrade his/her account within 48 hours of expiration, will earn Upgradation Benefits, unless he will pay full amount for new subscription of job and no earning of learner program will b...


AD. POSTING JOBs n REFER (APR) Apart from Learner's Program, all other Skill Levels has two Sessions to Boost your Income: 1. Jobs Session 2. Refer Session Both sessions gives the members different dimensions to work and earn. LEARNER’S PROGRAM Intro The learner program is specifically designed for those who, before starting the job professionally, want to learn, grasp and fluent in the designated work. Package Cost 17.54$ Assignments In learner program, members have to submit  2 Assignments  within 10 days of subscription. Each assignment consists of 125 Ad. Posting sites with single ad. Post on each site. Earnings Each assignment will pay you  5$. Expiry/Upgradation Learner account automatically expires in 10 days of subscription, a member must upgrade his/her account to continue work for earnings. If a member upgrade his/her account within 48 hours of expiration, will earn Upgradation Benefits, unless he will pay full amount for new subscription of job and no...